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Arrival from Thessaloniki

When you arrive at Thessaloniki airport, you will travel on to Kavala or Keramoti. Here you have the possibility to take a bus, a cab or a rental car. Travel time by car is about 2 to 2.5 hours (depending on traffic). The crossing from Keramoti to Limenas takes about 40 minutes. The drive from Limenas to our boutique hotel in Skala Potamia takes about 20 minutes.

Arrival from Kavala (Chrissoupoli)

If you arrive at Kavala airport, you will still travel to Keramoti. With a cab you need about 20 minutes. The crossing then also takes 40 minutes. Once you arrive on the island, you can take a cab or a bus to your accommodation. The journey from Limenas to our boutique hotel in Skala Potamia takes about 20 minutes.

Ferries schedule to Thasos

A very well maintained timetable with all ferry connections to the island, you can find under the following link:

Unfortunately, the site is only available in Greek, but it is always kept very up to date and is maintained weekly.

Pick-up service

If a pick-up service is desired you can note this in your booking request or discuss this with us directly. We try to fulfill all your wishes.